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Coronavirus Infection and Control Policy


Things have had to change a little and I’ve had to adapt to follow the guidelines. I have undertaken specific Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control training and prior to re-opening I have updated the studio risk assessment to implement new procedures for your additional health and safety.


Appointment safety


Prior to arrival, all clients will messaged to prepare and on how stay safe during your appointment.

Should I or a member of my household feel ill with COVID-19 symptoms, the appointment will be cancelled with immediate effect in order to self-isolate for the required time. Likewise, if you or a member of your household display any of the recognised symptoms please inform me as soon as possible so arrangements can be made to reschedule.


On the day of your appointment, should you arrive early, please wait in your car until the appointed time, or until I collect you. As you enter the property, please be prepared to thoroughly sanitise your hands. At this time you are not required to wear a mask or gloves but may do so if you wish (mask must be removed as we begin to apply make up). Only a new pair of disposable gloves should worn and these should not be put on until you arrive at the studio and after washing your hands, to eliminate any risk of prior contamination.


Please arrive make up free and with cleansed, moisturised skin. Bring minimal personal items, Also due to limited space I must ask you do not bring more than one guest to the appointment.


I will ensure prior to your arrival, a thorough cleaning schedule will have taken place and all products and equipment will have been sterilised. I will wear the correct PPE and have washed my hands in accordance with the NHS guidelines.


During the appointment, I will carry out the service in a manner which adheres to the Government guidelines, while making you feel as comfortable and pampered as possible.





In order to minimise the handling of cash, I would ask that you pay for your makeup in advance by transfer.



Location Services


For weddings, I will liaise in advance with the bride, and discuss at the trial how to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for everyone present. I will set up in as quiet an area as possible or ideally in a separate room if there is one available, away from other members of the party and other professionals working on the day.


Those having hair or make up will be asked to come individually for their makeup at their scheduled time, which will be clearly advised. To maintain social distancing, observers or others present who are not having makeup on the day, will not be permitted within a 1 meter “zone” around my working area. This does not apply to photographers/videographers, but I do ask that they remain respectful of social distancing guidelines.


Coronavirus Legislation


The opening up of public places following the COVID-19 outbreak is being supported by the NHS Test and Trace service. In line with other government guidance businesses are required by law to keep an accurate temporary record of visitors for 21 days and to assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed for contact tracing and the investigation of local outbreaks.

The government will work with relevant bodies to make the process for recording customers and visitors compliant with data protection legislation.



All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. I will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and make any further amendments as required.


​Please stay safe,


Love Lydia x

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